Monday, November 24, 2008

Classnotes for 11/16/2008 pages: 132, 133, and 134 gatha: 8 and 9

Date of Swadhyaya: 11/16/2008
Chapter No: 6
Sutra No: 8 and 9
In today’s class we continued our discussion on ‘aashrav’. The influx of karma (or, karman particles) is aashrav. Aashrav has two dependencies: a) jiva, and b) aajiva.

First, we discussed gaatha eight which depicts the classification of jiva based aashrav.

Fundamental states of activity: Samrambh, Samarambh, and Aarambh
Yogs: Man, Vachan, Kaya
Executor: Krut, Karit, Anumodna
Kashay: Krodh, Maan, Maya, Lobh

Samrambh: to plan any sinful activity
Samarambh: to prepare for the sinful activity
Aarambh: to execute the sinful activity

Note: Above activities could be good activities as well – for example, planning to give donations, planning a pilgrimage, etc. The good activities will result into Punya Aashrav. In the text book, only bad activities are illustrated for good purposes.

Example (of samrambh, samarambh, and aarambh): Samyetsikhar Tirthyatra

Samrambh: to plan the tirthyatra
Samarambth: reserve train tickets, booking dharmashala rooms, etc.
Aarambh: to start from home to go to Samyetsikhar and come back.

Triyog: man, vachan, kaya

Krut: to self-execute self-interest good/bad activities
Karit: to have someone execute good/bad activities on one’s behalf.
Anumodna: to praise/support/advise/recommend others, when they are executing good/bad activities.

Kashay: Impure results of aatma. krodh, maan, maya, lobh are four impure states of aatma.

An Aashrav can be defined by a combination of one item from each of the four columns in the above table. For example, thinking about Samyetsikhar tirthyatra is an aashrav. In this example one’s mind does the samrambh with lobh kashay (here this is an example of prashast kashay). In total, there are (3*3*3*4=) 108 aashravs. However, this number increases to 432 when four types of kashays: aananthanubandhi, aapratyakhyani, pratyakhyani, and samjvalan are considered.

We also discussed the leshya, which is defined as combination of yog and kashay. There are six types of leshyas: shukla, padma, tejo, kapot, nil, and krushna (arranged by aati subh, to subh to aasubh to ati aasubh). They can be easily understood by a very popular jambun vruksh example. This example considers a hungry person, and a jumbun vruksh. One who eats aachet jumban fruits lying on the ground is in shukla (aati subh) leshya. One who cuts sachet jambun fruit from the tree is in padma leshya. One who cuts large number of sachet jambuns is in tejo leshya. One who cuts a small branch along with jambuns is in kapot leshya. One who cuts a large branch of the tree to satisfy the hunger is in nil leshya. One who cuts the tree from the roots to satisfy the hunger is in krushna (aati aasubh) leshya.

Next, we discussed the classification of aajiva based aashrav.

Nivartana: Mulgun-nivartana, Utargun-nivartana
Nikshep: Aapratyayvekshit-nikshap, Dupramrust-nikshap, Sahsa-nikshap, Anabhog-nikshap
Sayyog: Seet, Ushna
Nisarg: Mano-nisarg, Vaag-nisarg, Kay-nisarg

Nivartna: to create, or to design, or to manufacture
1) Mulgun-nivartna: to design sharir, vachan, man and swas-niswas. These are the fundamental things that we associate with jivas in sangni-panchendriya paryay.
2) Utargun-nivartna: to carve idols in tree, stone, etc. is utargun-nivartna. Even designing software, hardware, etc. is included in utargun-nivartna.

Nikshap: to put/move things around violently.
1) Aapratyayvekshit-nikshap: to put things without looking.
2) Dupramrust-nikshap: to carelessly put things
3) Sahsa-nikshap: to hastily or fearfully put things
4) Bhog-nikshap: to lye in places that are not clean and not carefully inspected

Sayyog: to mix different things, such as hot and cold.
To mix things or to mix pure and impure things is upkaran-sayyog. To mix sachet and aachit things together is bhaktpan-sayyog.

Nisarg: it is related to activities.
1) Mano-nisarg: mind’s activities with bad intentions.
2) Vaag-nisarg: speaking activities with bad intentions
3) Kay-nisarg: bodily activities with bad intentions

Thus, karma’s aashrav cannot occur without support of jiva and aajiva. Up to this point samanya aashrav is discussed. In later swadhyays we will discuss veshesh aashravs.

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